Get the Estes AWS Inside Scoop

Did you know you can stay updated on the latest products by following us on social media? We want you to have the latest information on our high quality products. If you’ve purchased one of our Rapid Access Weapon Lockers or accessories, help us spread the word by tagging our accounts @EstesAWS in your posts…

Estes AWS is on YouTube

Estes AWS is on YouTube

As one of the most popular video search engine tools, YouTube is one of the easiest ways to share videos with family, friends and strangers. We want to make sure you have quick and easy access to see exactly what makes Estes AWS different. That’s why we created a YouTube account featuring our most updated…

Estes AWS Distributor Packets Available

At Estes AWS, we have distributors across the country, and we know that our distributors’ success depends on having the right marketing tools from us. We have designed and printed literature folders that allow distributors to use our marketing materials. This packet includes the following: Literature folder with die cut placeholder for your company’s business card…

Estes AWS's booth at COPSWEST Expo.

Estes AWS Exhibits at COPSWEST Expo

This week Estes AWS is exhibiting at the COPSWEST Expo in Palm Springs, California to showcase its line of Rapid Access Weapon Lockers and the various applications of these products. The expo runs from October 30th-November 1st, and offers POST training, as well as product/technology features from over 250 vendors. Rapid Access Weapons Lockers are…

Estes AWS featured in November Issue

Estes AWS Featured in and Law Enforcement Product News featured Estes AWS in the October / November issue. Read the full article on or the featured highlight in the digital newsletter.   Since 2011, Automated Weapon Security manufactured and sold automated weapon lockers for the law enforcement community. With the recent purchase of Automated Weapon Security, Estes…

Estes AWS featured on recently featured Estes AWS as part of the company’s Spotlight Series! In a Q&A interview format, Estes AWS articulates the origins of the new company, the revolutionary Rapid Access Weapon Lockers and the safety benefits for officers and communities. The article also provides insight into the formation of Estes AWS along with the company’s…