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Did you know you can stay updated on the latest products by following us on social media? We want you to have the latest information on our high quality products. If you’ve purchased one of our Rapid Access Weapon Lockers or accessories, help us spread the word by tagging our accounts @EstesAWS in your posts…

Estes AWS is on YouTube

Estes AWS is on YouTube

As one of the most popular video search engine tools, YouTube is one of the easiest ways to share videos with family, friends and strangers. We want to make sure you have quick and easy access to see exactly what makes Estes AWS different. That’s why we created a YouTube account featuring our most updated…

Customer Spotlight: The Southern Connection Police Supplies

Through ingenuity and creativity, The Southern Connection Police Supplies creates solutions for civilian vehicles. One of our distributors is The Southern Connection Police Supplies, located in Ridgeland, Mississippi. They frequently work with FBI and DEA units that use undercover civilian model cars instead of standard police vehicles. Josh Wheeler, Shop Manager at The Southern Connection, custom…